Florida may not get cold like other parts of the nation, but that’s no reason not to take care of the delicate skin on your head and neck during the colder winter months. As the seasons change, it’s important to alter your skin care regiment to keep your skin healthy and strong. Here are 5 tips for keeping your skin looking its best throughout the whole winter. Burr.

  1. Moisturize: This one may seem obvious, but what’s causing it might not be. When the air turns cold and dry outside, you may think that’s the main culprit for your itchy, cracked skin, but it may not be. Indoor heaters can cause just as much damage as they dry and circulate air throughout your home and office, where you’re probably spending most of your time. The solution? Humidifiers are great for your home. Also make sure you’re using laundry detergent, soaps, and skin care products that aren’t further drying your skin. Investing in a moisturizing cream for sensitive skin will help to soothe dry spots.
  2. Layer: Covering skin when you go out into the cold not only keeps you warmer, it also helps to protect it from the elements. Layering with softer fabrics like cotton close to your skin and heavier, heat trapping fabrics like wool as an outer layer helps o keep warmth in while not aggravating and scratching sensitive skin.
  3. Skip the long hot shower: It’s so tempting to soak in the hot water when it’s cold outside, but beware that hot water takes a lot of moisture away from you skin. If you can, try taking lukewarm showers and then wrap up warm in a cozy robe after.
  4. Protect from the sun: The sun may not be shining brightly, but its rays can still burn your skin. Even during the winter, you should be wearing at least SPF 15 with both UVA and UVB protection. Your skin will thank you later in life.
  5. Protect from the wind: Especially if you’re participating in winter sports activities like snowboarding or skiing, protecting your skin from the cold is essential. Protect skin with thick moisturizer like petroleum jelly and care for windburnt skin similar to a sunburn, with aloe vera.

Also be mindful that existing skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dandruff can be aggravated by the cold and the dry. If you notice your symptoms flaring up it may be time to see your doctor so he or she can keep an eye on the condition and prescribe something to make you more comfortable.

Enjoy the winter chill! Just be sure to take good care of the delicate skin on your head and neck.

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