Social interactions are a part of everyday life. Work, simple errands, religious services, sporting events, home life and outings with family and friends, these are things that fill our days and help us to feel fulfilled.
Hearing loss can make interpersonal interactions such as these very difficult and can even lead to physical and emotional isolation. People who experience gradual hearing loss tend to pull away from activities in which hearing is critical, which can also strain relationships. A study by the American Academy of Audiology found that adults 50 and older with untreated hearing loss were less likely to participate in organized social activities such as parties, games, and sporting events, than peers with hearing aids.
While a hearing aid may feel like a big step, the addition of a hearing aid to one or both ears can dramatically increase the social interactions a person can comfortably enjoy. A hearing aid can make it easier to keep up with conversations with family and friends, follow the story line in a movie, even feel more secure in larger groups of people.
If you or someone you know has experienced hearing loss or is finding it difficult to have everyday interactions, there’s no need to live with it any longer. Contact Orlando Ear, Nose, and Throat Associates today to see an experienced audiologist.