Especially for young children, mouth breathing and snoring can be warning signs of an underlying condition. Over time, children who consistently breath through their mouths may suffer from poor mouth and facial development, including elongated face, crooked teeth, even gingivitis.
Furthermore, children who breath through their mouths often don’t sleep well. Prolonged poor sleep can lead to difficulty concentrating and behavioral problems.
Dentists are often the ones who notice and diagnose mouth breathing. An ENT doctor, dentist, or pediatrician can check for swollen tonsils or adenoids, which can lead to mouth breathing. The offending gland can be removed through simple surgery. If the nasal passages are found to be too narrow, a doctor can help to widen the nasal passages and sinuses to allow for better airflow.
If you notice that your child is consistently breathing through his or her mouth, it’s a good idea to bring him in to see a healthcare professional. A doctor can determine if treatment is recommended to help your child to breath through the nose.