Discomfort or pain in your ear, nose, or throat, can be a symptom of a more serious condition, which is compounded if it has existed for an extended period of time. Specializing in the ears, nose, and throat, an ENT Doctor treats and manages conditions concerning the structures in the neck and head. 

When is it time to schedule an appointment with an ENT

A chronic sinus infection 

A sinus infection can be the result of a common cold, nasal and seasonal allergies, polyps, a deviated septum, a weak immune system from illness or medication. A sinus infection occurs when the lining of the sinuses (the four paired cavities in the face and forehead) becomes inflamed or swells. A sinus infection is considered chronic if the symptoms last for three months or longer.  

Symptoms of a sinus infection include:

Post nasal drip, Thick yellow or green nasal discharge

Facial pressure around the nose, eyes, and forehead

Headache or pain in your ears or teeth

Cough, tiredness, or fever

Painful Earaches 

Pain in the ear can occur for several reasons. Typically from an inflammation caused by a bacteria or a virus in the outer, middle, or inner ear. You can get an ear infection from allergies, throat infection, the flu, a cold, or water in the ear. An ENT will establish if you have an ear infection or  a different issue. 

Frequent Tonsil Infections

Tonsil infection and irritation can be caused by a bacteria (such as strep) or viruses. Symptoms can be difficult swallowing, tonsil infection, or sore throat. If the infection is prolonged or frequent, an ENT can offer solutions to treat the problem.

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Take control of your life by contacting Orlando ENT. Our goal is to alleviate any pain or issues you have with effective treatments tailored just for you.

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