With seasonal changes progressing throughout the coming weeks, allergies may cause temporary hearing loss. Plenty of Americans will contend with allergies and the affects they have on the body. Although most temporary hearing loss cases associated with allergies are temporary, they may be frightening.

Allergies may cause temporary hearing loss:

temporary hearing lossRunny noses, sore throats, and itchy eyes are just a few of the seasonal symptoms many people experience. As we know, the ears, nose, and throat are all connected and are sensitive to changes. Itching and swelling are common symptoms as well as temporary hearing loss.

Even brief hearing loss is quite frightening. Some experiencing seasonal allergy symptoms may not even realize one ear is not hearing as usual. Suddenly, the ears may “pop” during talking or chewing. You may only notice that you experienced temporary hearing loss after it is already adjusted back to normal. The question is: How can you tell if the hearing loss is temporary or more permanent?

Conductive hearing loss:

Hearing loss caused by allergies is usually a form of conductive hearing loss. What is this sort of hearing loss? Conductive hearing loss is usually a result of a disease or disorder that interrupts the sound transmission from outer ear, middle ear, and all the way to the inner ear.

temporary hearing lossIn temporary conductive hearing loss cases, medication may be all that’s needed. Otherwise surgery along with medication may be necessary. If your doctor does not want to do either route, a hearing aid will do a fine job of significantly improving your hearing.

There are other causes of conductive hearing loss besides diseases and disordered. A few include, blockage of the ear canal, birth defects, or ear infections. Ear infections are common in children because daycares and activity centers spreading them like wildfire.

Conductive hearing loss ultimately entails the inner ear working properly, but there is something keeping sound from passing through the outer or middle ear to the inner ear. So how does the blockage occur?

Allergies may cause irritation, swelling, or itching on the outer ear canal. Fluid build up in the middle ear will block the Eustachian tube during times of seasonal allergies. This is similar to when people have common colds. As a result of this build up, people experience a degree of hearing loss.

Fluid build up is referred to as a “breeding ground for bacteria.” This settled fluid may build up bacteria and cause ear infections. In the long run, ear infections cause more serious and severe hearing loss.

Rest assured, the inner ear in the least likely to be affected by allergies. However, if the inner ear is affected, it can cause symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, and pressure. If any one of these symptoms sound familiar to what you’ve experienced, it is strongly advised to make an appointment at Orlando ENT Hearing Center.

Visit Orlando ENT Hearing Center for clarification:

temporary hearing lossThese symptoms may also be a sign of sudden sensorineural hearing loss, or SSHL, commonly known as sudden deafness. SSHL may happen gradually over time or suddenly. The feeling may be extremely similar to seasonal allergy ENT symptoms.

One major difference between seasonal allergy hearing loss and SSHL is the causes. SSHL is caused by severe head trauma, autoimmune disease, or bacterial and viral infections. Other causes are the use of ototoxic drugs, neurological disease, or poor blood circulation. SSHL may also be temporary and easy to treat if done promptly, similarly to hearing loss caused by seasonal allergies.

A trip to your ENT doctors will clear things up for you. It is best to be on the safe side, to prevent long-term damage to your hearing. Your doctor is capable of determining whether the hearing loss is due to an ear obstruction such as fluid or other reasons such as SSHL.

Thank you for reading this week’s blog. We invite you to stop by next week for more information relating to this relevant topic regarding seasonal allergies.

Staff Writer

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