When you last stopped by, you learned some helpful tips for living with hearing loss. Everyday life is often heavily affected by hearing loss, but with these tips, those with hearing loss have a better chance of thriving in normally challenging settings. Let’s continue with our hearing loss tips series today.

In review:

In our last Orlando ENT Hearing Center blog, we shared so many great tips. In review let’s go over some tips we shared. The following tips are great for people of all ages struggling with hearing loss:

  • avoid sitting far away from teachers in school, college, or work settings
  • avoid sitting close to noisy areas
  • inform others of your hearing loss challenges
  • lookout for those that cannot speak on their own behalf
  • be sure caregivers are aware of hearing loss

Professionals to the rescue:

We want to add one more tip onto last week’s list of tips. Be sure to speak with an educational audiologist or any other professional that works with children that have hearing loss. A person with these qualifications can work with your child and teacher on ways to assist your child in school.

This sort of professional can assure the classroom has the best acoustics. He or she can help make the necessary changes to the room so there are lower noise levels. Private and public schools may not have the same professionals on campus, so be sure to do your research and find the best professional that can help your loved one.

The same can be said for adults in learning settings. Speak with your college counselor when applying to colleges. Discuss what each university has to offer you!

Of course, many Americans spend most of their life outside of the home pre-pandemic. Because of COVID-19, many families have been home more than ever before due to lockdowns and businesses downsizing. For those with hearing loss, this can present quite the set of challenges.

Today, we are sharing ways to make life with hearing loss easier in the home. First step is making your home “listening friendly.” There are many ways to reduce noise.

Use carpeting and cloth curtains in areas where learning and working takes place. Try to run appliances at night while those with hearing loss are sleeping. Those to avoid include the following:

  • washer machines
  • dryer
  • dishwasher
  • dehumidifier
  • hair dryer

Be at the right place, at the right time:

Refer to our last blog on areas to avoid for learning and working. Try to avoid putting your child’s better-hearing ear next to noise sources such as the dishwasher, air conditioner, or radio. Turn off background noises such as TV, music, or the radio while at dinner or other times you are speaking with anyone that has hearing loss.

Try to have your love one facing those they are speaking with at all times. For example, if your mother cannot move around, try to sit in front of them. Be aware of where they sit at the dinner table.

In the car, try to place their normal-hearing ear closest to the driver or parent. Avoid giving instructions or important information from another room. They may hear your voice but not understand what you said.

Teach those around your loved ones what you have learned about helping them. Check your loved one’s hearing aids often to avoid embarrassment and other bad situations. Remember, a hearing aid that does not work well is worse than no hearing aid at all.

Apply these fantastic tips in everyday situations and during upcoming holiday family events. Stay safe and healthy by washing your hands often, stay six feet apart, and enjoy the holiday season!

Make an appointment on our website or by phone. Get your hearing tested soon if you have not done so recently. New year, new hearing!

By the way, protect your ears during those fun firework displays. We hope you have a beautiful holiday season and a happy New Year!

Staff Writer

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